October 24, 2019
Football 4 ALL Flag Football Scrimmage scheduled for Saturday, November 2, 2019!
Beacon Ink and RJHS EAST Lab are co-sponsoring a Flag Football Scrimmage for students with disa...

October 23, 2019
River Valley Food 4 Kids is partnering with ATU's Fisheries and Wildlife Society for their Fishing Derby Fundraiser set for Saturday, November 2, 2019, at Lake Dardanelle State Pa...

October 18, 2019
October Elementary Student's of the Month were presented in front of the Board of Education Tuesday, October 15, 2019. Left column: from top to bottom
Center Valley;

October 18, 2019
Secondary students of the month: left column down: RIS; Emily Staten RMS; Magnus Golden RJHS; Brooks Burk right column down: RHS; Bryan Alvarez SLC; Sabra Rose

October 15, 2019
Join us for DIG PINK Night 2019 this Thursday, October 17th at Cyclone Arena to support Tonya Bloodworth's battle against breast cancer! \r\n Raffle Prizes include a Branson Ge...

October 15, 2019
The RHS Hispanic Heritage Club is hosting an event celebrating 'Hispanic Heritage Month' this Wednesday, October 16, 2019, at Russellville High School.
This year Suddenlink Com...

October 10, 2019
Midnight Madness is scheduled for November 7, 2019.

October 8, 2019
Mark your calendars! November 5th RSD will host a Project Lead the Way showcase with demonstrations from preschool through 12th grade at Cyclone Arena!
Tours of PLTW classroom...

October 1, 2019
The flu mist is no longer available this year at our school flu clinics. Parents who have returned forms requesting the mist should contact their schools nurse for more info...

September 30, 2019
\r\n Sequoyah Elementary School in Russellville School District has been designated an \r\n Exemplary High Performing Schools National Blue Ribbon School for 2019 by \r\n U...

September 18, 2019
Secondary student of the month from left to right:
RHS- Emily Sanders
RIS-Edna Osburn
RMS- Evie Jun Johnson
SLC- Khalia Callans
RJHS- Zariyah Willis...

September 18, 2019
Elementary student of the month from left to right:
Oakland Heights- Mia Rauda
Sequoyah- Brayden Barron
London- Shelby Donathan
Crawford- Andr...

September 12, 2019
RSD needs daily route, trip, and substitute drivers for our students busy schedules this school year! Please contact the transportation dept. at 890.8561 for more information! ...

September 9, 2019
RHS Student Expectations for Events in Cyclone Stadium
Entry to all Russellville School District athletic events is free to all Russellville School District students.
An a...

September 5, 2019
Congratulations to RHS' Mrs. Aimee Moody! \r\n Moody has been chosen as the 2019 ARKTESOL ESL Teacher of the Year for the state of Arkansas! \r\n Mrs. Moody teaches ESL and ...

August 27, 2019
For more information contact Coach Amanda Coulter at amanda.coulter@rsdk12.net.

August 27, 2019
Coldwell Bank Real Estate made a generous donation to Crawford Elementary in the amount of $700 this school year. Principal Ms. Shavon Jackson said, "Coldwell donates a portio...

August 26, 2019
RSD would like to confirm that classes will remain the same as scheduled this week after confirmation from State Police and FBI.\r\n \r\n Superintendent Dr. Mark Gotcher has sai...