'Youth league' awards leadership students
RSD will dismiss 1 hour early Friday
School Board Agenda posted
River Valley Food 4 Kids Holiday Distribution
Carney awarded by Conway Regional Health Women's council
RHS AP Computer Science A students received monetary rewards for scores
RSD's Christmas holiday schedule posted
December 20 1 Hour Early Dismissal
RSVL Fire awards Jr. Firefighter Challenge Champion
November students of the month
Dwight Elementary's Pork Fest a success!
RSD Robotics sweep Henderson State Tournament
AMOM's Keller and RSD's Director of Special Education Turner held an informational meeting Oct. 30th
CVE teacher wins 'favorite teacher' contest
Dwight elementary donates to Operation Christmas Child
RMS robotics have two teams state qualified
London elementary and CVE elementary robotics team up
CVE Takes home Skills Champion award at Henderson State
RSD schools team up to take 1st place ay Henderson State!
RHS JROTC takes first place at DeGray