Graduation 2024


The Russellville High School Class of 2024 Graduation will be held on May 18, 2024 at Cyclone Arena. There will be two ceremonies. 

Ceremony 1: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. 

Ceremony 2: 5:00 -  6:30 p.m. 

In order to accommodate families and provide flexibility, this year a parent/guardian of each graduate must sign up for the ceremony they would like their student(s) to graduate in. There are 193 graduate slots available per ceremony on a first come first serve basis. Families must choose by March 15th  2024. 

Please use the google form below to sign up or call the RHS front office: 

Sign Up Link

Note: If there is not a ceremony chosen, students will be placed in the remaining available slots. Parents will be notified of which ceremony their student will graduate in. 


After the deadline, RHS will be calling each parent who submits their chosen ceremony to verify the choice.


Each graduate will receive 7 tickets for the ceremony chosen. 

Please note: Tickets are limited due to space availability and fire code compliance. Thank you for understanding. 

For any questions, please contact the RHS front office at 479-968-3151.