September 3, 2020
Do you know the difference in COVID-19 symptoms vs. seasonal allergies? Follow this link for more information from the CDC including symptom tracker: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavi...

September 1, 2020
'I LOVE MY RSD' Fundraiser- COVID-19 faculty/staff benefit \r\n RMS and RJHS leaders introduce a benefit for Russellville School District employees who may experience hardships fo...

September 1, 2020
RSD's Maintenance and Grounds would like to extend thanks to our local partners who have made the first week of school a success. We appreciate the commitment to our schools and ...

August 31, 2020
Official Release: RSD Superintendent Press Release Monday, August 31, 2020 \r\n Dear RSD Community, \r\n It is with great sadness that I share with you the passing of RSD bus ...

August 28, 2020
From the Superintendent's Office: Friday, August 28, 2020 COVID-19 Update Dr. Gotcher will provide weekly updates of the number of active positive cases and those quarantined amo...

August 27, 2020
RSD Athletics: Tickets available for RHS vs. Morrilton game There are a limited number of tickets available for tomorrow night's game versus Morrilton. The public may purch...

August 25, 2020
ATTN: Gales/Whirlwinds/Cyclones \r\n To our volleyball and football parents, students, and fans RSD is asking the following from you to help us all with safety and social di...

August 25, 2020
COVID-19 Communication for Staff and Students- from Point of Contact, Nurse Annie Schanink Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Together we can help keep our Russellvill...

August 24, 2020
School Bus directives for RSD students for the 2020-2021 school year - \r\n Look under Transportation or our Back to School information page. \r\n Questions? Contact the Tr...

August 21, 2020
Conagra & Wal-Mart support RSD back to school- RSD would like to sincerely thank ConAgra for their generous donation of Lysol wipes (over 50,000,) along with Russellville W...

August 21, 2020

August 17, 2020
RMS FAMILIES: Med drop-off and sign in for the school year will be from 9am to 2pm, Thursday and Friday. PARENTS will not have the opportunity to drop-off medications on the...

August 16, 2020
RSD is committed to keeping our community safe and our schools even safer, but we are a TEAM! We have to work together! Remember-if you see something, say something,...

August 15, 2020
RSD is Hiring Bus Drivers- the Transportation department is looking to hire route drivers, activity and trip drivers, and subs. If you are interested please contact Eston.Jo...

August 14, 2020
School Bus directives for RSD students for the 2020-2021School year are now posted. Look under Transportation or our Back to School information page. Questions? Contact t...

August 14, 2020
School Nurse COVID Communication Flow Chart - as discussed in our past School Board Meeting and in River Valley Now’s, ‘RSD... goes back to school’ nursing segment ...

August 14, 2020
For students who need to speak to someone trustworthy and familiar, with just one unanimous text you can prevent violence against others, on or off school campus, you can prevent ...

August 14, 2020
B & C students virtual meal sign-up forms available
Meal Distribution Information:
Virtual Meal Sign-Up Form Meals will be provided to virtual students who opt in by co...