10 Principals Named Recipients of 2020 Terrel H. Bell Award for Outstanding School LeadershipWASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos today named 10 principals as recipients of the 2020 Terrel H. Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership. The 10 principals were selected from the 2020 cohort of National Blue Ribbon Schools and will be honored during the National Blue Ribbon Schools virtual awards ceremony on Nov. 12, 2020.\r\n “Excellent learning environments are led by excellent leaders—those willing to think innovatively and creatively about how best to serve students and support teachers,” said Secretary DeVos. “I’m honored to, once again this year, recognize the talented principals who are this year’s Bell Award winners. They are the ones leading needed transformation at the most local level and are committed to student success.” \r\n Named for the second U.S. Secretary of Education, the Bell Award honors school leaders who are committed to education as a powerful and liberating force in people’s lives. The award is part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program. Principals are nominated by their school communities during the final stages of the National Blue Ribbon Schools application process.\r\n The U.S. Department of Education, together with the National Association of Elementary School Principals, the Association for Middle Level Education, and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, present the Bell Awards to principals of National Blue Ribbon Schools for their outstanding work and the vital role they play in guiding their students and schools to excellence, frequently under challenging circumstances.\r\n The 2020 recipients are:\r\n
Lifetime of Leadership Award Recipient\r\n
To learn more about the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program and the Terrel H. Bell Awards, click here. The word used most often to describe Principal Shavon Jackson’s leadership style is empowering. Under Principal Jackson’s leadership, the Crawford Elementary school community felt empowered to implement needed changes because she set them up for success and responded to their suggestions. She cultivated a shared vision and renewed energy for a school in need of support. She listened to all voices, built upon the school’s strengths, engaged teachers as leaders, supported learning in new ways, and created a student-focused learning environment. Follow this link for Ms.Shavon Jackson's Complete Write-Up for the 2020 Terrel H. Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership |

Crawford Elementary Principal Named One of Ten Recipients of 2020 Terrel H. Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership
October 21, 2020