Correction from Friday, September 25:
\r\nIt was stated that there was a 42% increase in students quarantined when actually it was a 75% increase.
The corrected statistics are:
\r\n- 12 active positive cases (5 last week) among students (11) and staff (1).
- 9 staff members are quarantined (9 last week).
- 138 students are quarantined (79 last week) That is a 75% increase over last week.
- A total of 159 students and staff are out of school or work as of this week (93 last week).

From the Office of the Superintendent: Friday, September 25, 2020 COVID-19 Friday Update
Dr. Gotcher will provide weekly updates of the number of active positive cases and those quarantined among RSD students and staff.
\r\nAs of this communication on September 25th we have:\r\n
\r\n- 12 active positive cases (5 last week) among students (11) and staff (1).
- 9 staff members are quarantined (9 last week).
138 students are quarantined (79 last week) That is a 42% increase over last week.- A total of 159 students and staff are out of school or work as of this week (93 last week).
How does this compare to all of the residents within our community?
\r\nAccording to the ACHI (Arkansas Center for Health Improvement) data on September 25th there were:
\r\n- 1,367 cumulative positive cases in Russellville community (3% of community).
- 64 new cases as of September 25th (47 last week).
Some things to keep in mind:
\r\nMaintain your diligence in wearing face coverings at all outdoor school events. Please continue to encourage your students to wear face coverings consistently at all outdoor events and at off-campus events, like church, family gatherings, and other social activities.