Superintendent's COVID-19 Friday Update
\r\nFrom the Superintendent's Office: Friday, September 11, 2020 COVID-19 Update
\r\nDr. Gotcher will provide weekly updates of the number of active positive cases and those quarantined among RSD students and staff. This information will be posted on our website under 'Back to School.'
\r\nAs of this email on September 11th we have:\r\n
- 14 active positive cases (25 last week) among students and staff.
- 11 staff are quarantined (23 last week).
- 124 students are quarantined (192 last week) That is a 35% decrease over last week.
- A total of 145 students and staff are out of school or work as of this week (268 last week).
How does this compare to all of the residents within our community?\r\n
According to the ACHI (Arkansas Center for Health Improvement) data on September 7th there were:\r\n
- 1,286 (1,233 last week) cumulative positive cases in Russellville community (3% of community).
- 88 active cases as of September 7th (112 last week)
Here are some things we still need to keep in mind:\r\n
Maintain your diligence in wearing face coverings at all outdoor school events. Please continue to encourage your students to wear face coverings consistently at all outdoor events.\r\n
For more information on COVID-19 visit: