'I LOVE MY RSD' Fundraiser- COVID-19 faculty/staff benefit
\r\nRMS and RJHS leaders introduce a benefit for Russellville School District employees who may experience hardships following testing positive for COVID-19.
\r\nWe encourage our RSD families, students, staff, and community members wear their shirts on our first ever "I Love RSD Day" scheduled for Friday, September 25, 2020.
\r\nThis day will focus on encouraging participants to wear their shirts on September 25th to show support to RSD personnel, students, and families. Participants and members of the community may send in photos to committee members’ provided contacts. These images of support will be shared on the district’s digital platforms and with local media.
\r\nT-shirts will be available in 3 colors; red, white, and black, and all sizes.
\r\nProduction of each shirt will be approximately $6 and will be sold to consumers for $12.
\r\nPlease have orders placed by September 15th.
\r\nTo Place an Order go to: https://iluvrsvl.itemorder.com/
For those who prefer to not order online you may complete this order form and return it to school with check attached. Checks need to be made out to Beacon Ink.

Questions? Contact one of our building principals at RMS or RJHS.
\r\nSarah Monfee | Joe Sitkowski | Matt Kordsmeier |
sarah.monfee@rsdk12.net | joe.sitkowski@rsdk12.net | matt.kordsmeier@rsdk12.net |